Wangũi wa Goro
has enjoyed an interdisciplinary life, spending over forty years as a public intellectual and lecturing widely in many parts of the world. She is a translator and translation theorist, writer, poet, scholar, cultural curator and editor with a great passion for the potential of languages of translation, literature and intersectional freedom. She is passionate about promoting African literary translation in different parts of the world, which she does through Africa in Translation (AiT) through SIDENSI. She is Professor of Translation at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) and linked to King’s College London and the University of Nairobi through the Wangũi wa Goro/LSA Prize, which promotes creativity and translation of African languages. She is the founder of TRACALA, the Translation Caucus of the African Literature Association. Her recent works (poems) have appeared in several anthologies. She is known for her translations of writers such as Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o and Veronique Tadjo’s work As the Crow Flies from French, as well as other translations into and from African literatures, including works from French, Italian, Swahili and Gĩkũyũ.